
Leveraging Instagram for Your Brand Marketing

Recent statistics revealed that 90% of Instagram users follow at least a brand and that 36.2% of B2B decision-makers make use of Instagram for searching latest products and services. These stats indicate a huge well of profit in portraying your business on Instagram. Since brand marketing is all about publicizing a brand to get more customers, there’s no better place to do that than on the social media space. Instagram business accounts experience a 1.46% increase in their monthly followers. That further buttresses the point that Instagram is one of the best platforms to boost the marketing of your brand. Webolutions marketing agency in Denver has been in the business of digital marketing for over two decades now, experienced the change in digital marketing trend due to technology advancements, and can boldly say that Instagram is one of the best media to employ. 

A brand is “a memory bank, created over time;” this implies that branding is a continuous and consistent process. Brand marketing is a very technical aspect of every business, especially in startups. You need people to know what you represent, what you can offer, and why you want them to choose you in the pool of brands creating a similar solution. Webolutions digital marketing agency uses a dynamic approach in brand marketing. It starts with defining the target audience and then considers what would influence them to choose your brand. You have the leverage to do this on Instagram by taking some steps. The next thing is to consider the best theme to use to promote your brand. There will be an examination of your competitors and a lookout for existing loopholes in their branding strategies that can be your advantage.

Over 1 billion people use Instagram every month, and 88% of the users are outside the US; this indicates that Instagram is a global network not restricted by geographical or cultural barriers. With the daily increase in the number of users, you are sure to hit a jackpot if you make proper use of the application. Instagram offers you the opportunity of online branding amidst other platforms. Apart from the fact that ads are run on the platform. It also has high traffic. Another reason why many users prefer Instagram is because of its visual nature; it hardly ever tampers with image and video qualities, unlike some other media platforms. Think no further about the technicalities involved, good brands like Webolutions digital marketing agency are available to help transform your business through Instagram.