
How to Follow Up on a Job Application in Two Weeks

So you’ve been called for an interview and now you have to follow up on that job application. Better yet? You’re about to learn how to properly write one yourself. Why’s it so important?

Consider this: Whenever you send out a resume, whether for an interview or for a job, you’re treading on extremely thin ice. Asking a question like “How do you follow up with an interview request” is like asking “How do you follow your speech to the wedding?” And asking that question may get you into some real hot water. If you don’t know how to handle it properly, it’s likely you’ll get an uncomfortable response. An employment agency can provide you with more tips on how to job hunt.

One of the best ways to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack is by knowing how to follow up on a job application process. The entire point of getting hired in this industry is so you can work your way up the corporate ladder. By showing your potential employers that you are serious about pursuing an opportunity, you can set yourself apart in a sea of applicants. The better follow up skills you have when it comes to getting hired for positions in this industry, the more likely you are to land an interview and actually be hired for the position you applied for.

To begin, you want to have a very organized approach to the job application process. Whether you’re sending out a resume, attached with a cover letter, or a generic application form, it should always be very well thought out and complete. Your cover letter should include your objectives for applying for the position, as well as a generic career history. Don’t be afraid to mention any specific skills you have that could help the company. If you have references and letters of recommendation from previous employers, put them here as well.

Another key to learning how to follow up on a job application is to remember what the company is looking for. When you’re trying to land a specific position within a company, it’s important to tailor your skills description and experience needs to fit the company profile. It may be tempting to just mention your ability to work under pressure, but you really want to emphasize your experience that relates to the position you’re after. For example, if you’re applying to be a cashier in a clothing store, you really want to emphasize that you’ve handled difficult situations in retail and also how teamwork in a high stress setting really helped you succeed in the position.

When you have an idea of the specific skills you think will best match with the position, check to see if the company has a linkedin profile that contains your skills. LinkedIn is a great place to find potential job candidates. They also link to your cover letter and your resume. The more people who know about your background and contact information, the easier it will be to follow up on your job application. If you have any other personal profiles on sites like Polygon or Monster, it’s okay to leave these as well. It may be harder to hear back from linkedin, but at least you’ll get a shot at knowing whether they actually respond to your applications or not.

The last method you can use to follow up on a job application is to talk directly with a recruiter and ask how they can help you with your specific career goals. A recruiter generally doesn’t do follow ups on just an applicant’s resume, so this is one way to follow up while your resume sits on the desk gathering dust. Recruiters also don’t do follow ups on just an applicant’s cover letter and resume, so this is one way to follow up on your job application while your resume sits on the desk gathering dust. If you have any other personal profiles on sites like Polygon or Monster, it’s okay to leave them as well.

While your resume needs to be accurate, your application status should be truthful as well. If you haven’t heard back from a prospective employer after two weeks, consider making a quick call and asking what their position is. Be sure to include any details relevant to the position you are applying for. If all goes well, this method will work out perfectly. If you aren’t happy with the results, though, you can always follow up with a direct email.