
PR and Your Chances for the Best in Singapore

Given that the great majority of non-local professionals working in this city-state would follow this route if they wanted to gain PR status in the nation, it is all the more important for you to distinguish your application from the other applications that are being filed. In reality, all that is required to get your application approved is to meet the minimal standards set out by ICA. If you want to improve your chances, it’s a good idea to think about the following things that ICA could look at while reviewing your application. The following factors should be taken into account but are not limited to them:

What kind of work you do at the moment

According to the Economic Survey of Singapore performed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) for the first quarter of 2019, the banking and insurance sector and the business services sector were the primary contributors to the growth of Singapore’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). These two fields have the distinction of being among the highest-spending economic activities. Meanwhile, growth was strongest in the technology and communications industry, up 6.6% over the previous quarter. If you have a skill in one of these fields, you have a better chance of gaining PR status, as you will be seen as valued and as having a role to play in the development of the good results and contributions to the economy.  So how to apply PR in Singapore

How Old Are You?

The percentage of the population aged 65 and above rose from 14.4% in 2017 to 15.2% in 2018, according to the Population in Brief 2018 report published by the Strategy Group in the Prime Minister’s Office. As compared to last year, this is a huge jump. With fewer people in the labour force, the old-age support ratio has dropped from 6.7% in 2008 to 4.2% in 2018. There has been a serious decline. In the year 2030, this figure is forecasted to drop to about 2.4%.

How long you’ve been working in Singapore

Your eligibility to apply for permanent residency in Singapore will be formalized once you have worked in your current employment in Singapore for a minimum of six months. However, if you applied for permanent residency after working at your current job for at least a year, your chances of approval would be much higher. This shows that you are committed to staying in the country and having a positive impact on its economy, which will make you seem better to potential employers back home. In addition, it proves that you are in a stable working situation and have a reliable source of income, which is our second point of argument. The immigration consultant in Singapore will make sure of these matters.

Capacity to Sustain Your Own Financial Needs

You’ll have a better shot at being granted permanent resident status in the city if you can show that you’re financially stable. If you want to apply for permanent residency for your husband and/or children at the same time as your own application, this is something you must bear in mind. It is well known that the cost of living in any city can sometimes reach unsustainable heights; thus, it is crucial that you have the financial means to support not only yourself but also your family while live in this region.